11 Park Avenue


Caldwell, NJ 07006-4901


Phone  (973)-228-1963






Together the Lady of Justice and the Children Shall Unite in Victory" 


From the beginning, we seek "The Good"; and, "The Good" we call MENTOR




         I remember Thomas M. Cooley Law School. When I first applied to my law school, the Administration Team — The ‘Heart’ of The Thomas M. Cooley Law School — sent me "The Benchmark", my law school’s chronicle. "The Benchmark" introduced me to the helpfulness and warmth of my law school. The Administration Team is ‘The Guardian’ of incoming law students. They help the students find housing in a community much like the students’ own home environment. I always tell prospective law students that Thomas M. Cooley Law School gave me a "Social Life" as well as a Great Education. It’s true! I studied hard; but, there were social events — dances, Halloween parties, sports events and a law school policy of good fellowship.


     I remember Dean Don LeDuc — The "Good" Leader. As the chairwoman of the Faculty-Student Liaison Committee, I would run to Dean LeDuc to discuss my ideas and problems and those of my fellow classmates. He could always decipher — The Good from the bad — The Good for the Thomas M. Cooley Law Students. Dean LeDuc is now The President of The Thomas M. Cooley Law School.

Hurrah for Dean Don LeDuc!   





     I remember Professor Kent Hall — The Advocate of the Senior Citizen. He was the head of the Sixty-Plus Law Clinic for the Thomas M. Cooley Law School. I was fortunately selected as a "student lawyer" on his team. He taught me to help "The People" even if they could not afford a lawyer.







      I remember McCormack and Petrolle, Attorneys at Law in the State of New Jersey. After graduating from The Thomas M. Cooley Law School and while waiting for my New Jersey Bar results, I clerked for these two "Great" Attorneys. It’s hard to graduate from a Michigan Law School and then practice New Jersey Law. I remember Attorney McCormack showing me their New Jersey law books. He went over the procedures of New Jersey Law— step by step. He introduced me to the rules and case law, enabling me to start a "legal project". I remember Attorney Petrolle. I remember reviewing a legal brief from his adversary. I ran into his office and said: "The attorney put the wrong case cite on the brief." He looked at me, smiled and said: "It’s only a mistake, Patsyann" . These two "Great" New Jersey Lawyers became two "Honorable" New Jersey Judges.

 Hurrah for McCormack and Petrolle!


     I remember Maureen McCully. She is the ‘Rock’ of the Essex County Bar Association. I remember calling the Essex County Bar Association after becoming a New Jersey Attorney. She guided me to Essex-Newark Legal Services where I became a consumer and family law staff attorney. She then guided me to the Essex County Legal Aid Association where I became its senior attorney.



    I remember Montclair State College, now a University, where I received my Master of Arts in Political Science. I remember a minority Professor explaining prejudice. I remember his words: We are all afraid of the unknown, of change.....Even the young Child would rather stay with his abusive family then to face "The Unknown" a loving family. This ‘Wise’ Professor’ taught me: With Understanding, We Welcome Change. I wish I remembered his name; I will never forget his Teaching.

          I remember Marilyn Tayler. I met her at the first New Jersey Inn of Court. Marilyn Tayler is a Professor at Montclair State University and ‘The Inspiration’ for college students finding a law school suitable for them.

          I remember LAW DAY. College students gather at a place where they can discuss the law school LSAT with representatives (in other words how to get into law school) and to talk to the representatives of many of our nation’s "Good" law schools. This gathering is called "Law Day".

          I am a representative of The Thomas M. Cooley Law School. I remember Stephanie Gregg and Tony Alvarado. They are my friends and part of the Administration Team. A few months before Law Day, Marilyn Tayler calls me and I call my friends at Cooley. It’s always fun to talk with Tony and Stephanie— finding out "What’s New" at my law school. On Law Day, I ask the college students if they are thinking of coming back to New Jersey after law school. Most of the time the students say ‘Yes’. I then tell the students that Thomas M. Cooley Law School taught me how to become a New Jersey Attorney. It’s True! The New Jersey Bar exam had the same method and similar questions as The Thomas M. Cooley Law School "Blue Book" Exams.


When I meet a young Child starting school, I say:

Kindergarten, First Grade and LAW SCHOOL,

Three Best Times of Your Life!


Thank you, "My Mentors"

for making me a New Jersey Attorney.



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